Tuesday, September 28, 2010

{cassondra's maternity photos}

Last weekend I had three photo shoots and I finally finished editing the last of them tonight, finishing with Cassie's maternity photos! We had loads of fun - I love how easy it is to really get "into" it when a session begins! I am particularly in love with this session though because we had the advantage of the sun setting on the lake with no obstructions. I love sunsets and what you can do with the photos. Cassie should have her little man at the end of October. So here are a few favorites from the shoot!

♥ Elly B ♥

Sunday, September 26, 2010

{jerica's family photos}

I am falling so far behind! I did this photo shoot last weekend also and it was a great time. Jerica wanted some photos with her brother and sister and though Glen wasn't always completely cooperative, it went very well. They are a fun group, apparently in love with the Gators (booo!). Glen plays football and soccer; Jocelynn is a cheerleader, she plays soccer, and she's on her school's yearbook staff and Jerica is a full-time college student and she makes it a point to go to all of her brother's and sister's games.

So on that note, here is a preview of the session. :)

♥ Elly B ♥

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{amanda's maternity photos}

This Saturday, I had a photo shoot with Amanda for her baby! She's having a boy, Uriyeh, due on October 10th. She's been having some contractions quite a bit lately so he'll likely be here a little early! We had a good time and I'm so excited to do his newborn photos. I don't really have much else to say, so I'll post a couple of the photos here now, and I'll update the rest on Facebook and my website by the end of the week!

Congratulations, Amanda!!

♥ Elly B ♥

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

{holiday sessions}

I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, but the end-of-the-year holiday season is fast approaching! I'm offering a special for $100 for family holiday photos! Included with the photos will be 25 holiday cards with photos from the session! I really want this to go well, but I'm not sure how often I'll do this. Be sure to book soon to allow time for editing, printing and shipping. So, on that note, I simply want to share the six 5x7 photo cards I'm offering. Contact me if you're interested in a session!

♥ Elly B ♥

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I've recently been working very hard with my favorite graphic designer, Whitney, and we've finally come up with a logo that we both really like. I'm very happy with how it turned out and we even made a separate pattern stamp for photos I post online, so those will be different as well. I'm so excited that we finished and I'm so very happy with the results. All of my shirts and magnets and my next business cards will also have this logo, hopefully if I don't change my mind.

I wish I had more photos to update you with but I guess this will do, it's been taking up lots of time so it deserves it's own blog. I hope you are all having a wonderful month and remember to tell your friends about me!!

♥ Elly B ♥

Friday, September 3, 2010

{september 2010}

I really enjoy blogging so I wanted to update you all on what's going on around here! September is completely booked and that makes me so super happy! October is mostly full already. I love Halloween!!

This weekend (and next) I'm changing it up for once and I'm going to be the model! I'm helping out a friend who has already helped me with business and we're doing portraits for one another, mine this weekend and hers next! Then also next weekend, I've got a slightly themed shoot to model for to help out another friend. She's also going to do photos for my best friend and I soon - the last ones we had done we were not happy with at all.

Which brings me to a point several photographers have shared with me: always make sure you and your photographer have chemistry! If you don't get along with your photographer, or they don't care enough about you to talk to you during the shoot, you're going to be very disappointed with your photos! So be sure to call me so that doesn't happen! :)

Other than that, I am taking it easy this vacation weekend and I hope you all do as well!! Thank you all so much for your support!

♥ Elly B ♥